“Since life is short, Shouldn’t every moment count?” David Knapp-Fisher

Something incredible happens when we share this idea with groups; people begin opening their hearts and minds, looking to support each other in becoming the heroes of their stories.

In fact, ANYONE can become the hero of their own storymeaning they want to live a meaningful and purposeful life- if they are prepared to follow three critically important steps. These are:

  1. They MUST define what happiness, joy and fulfillment look like for them
  2. They MUST take the actions required to bring those things into their lives
  3. To help accelerate the process, They MUST develop above-average communications skills

This is where I come in.

My mission is to introduce (or re-introduce) these elements so people can immediately get laser-focused on living in ways that make them the hero of their own story. I have 2 keynote presentations that explores ways to do this, and that offer clear action steps. These are:

  • The Connectivity Ninja: (a.k.a. Creating Genuine Human Connections in 4 Steps) – An interactive presentation that when positioned as an opening keynote, sets any event or conference up for success. My most popular talk ever!
  • Punch Failure in the Face, Then Buy It a Beer: Based on my book of the same name, this talk challenges people to re-frame their approach to work, life, success and happiness by seeing failure as a necessary part of growth. It’s an energetic, inspiring, and never fails to fire people up!

“Hi David – Thanks again for the keynote talk you gave at our recent annual National Controllers Conference. Your take on Personal Leadership was highly energetic, motivational and above all, effective in helping our team focus their efforts on both their personal, and the company’s goals.

I’ve received numerous positive comments on your presentation and message, so let’s go ahead and book again for next year” ~ Stephen McGinley, Regional Controller, CHIP REIT – Regina, Sask.

Six Reason why/how my talks inspire audiences

  • I TELL RELATABLE STORIES: All talking points come from my own good, bad, and (often) ugly life experiences, letting participants know they aren’t alone in their struggles.

  • GENUINE PASSION: My passion for helping people is evident from the first conversation, throughout the planning, the presentation, the after-session Q & A, and everywhere in-between. I’m 100% committed in helping event organizers become heroes too!

  • ENERGY: By involving audience members throughout presentations, together we keep people actively engaged, participating, and their energy levels high(!).
  • WE CREATE GENUINE HUMAN CONNECTIONS: My presentations encourage participation connections to happen on a very personal, human level. Rather than asking, “So, what do you do?”, I also ask audiences, “So, what do you do for fun?”, releasing their inner-hero.
  • HUMOUR: Since self-deprecating stories highlight the common struggles many heroes face, I like to share a few of my own embarrassing failures and”egg-on-face” moments.
  • TAKE-AWAY STEPS: Each session ends with a set of clear, concise take-away steps leaving participants an opportunity to begin building a personal pathway to creating their own version of success; whatever that looks like for them.

But don’t just take my word on it: Check out the RAVING FANS page for more client testimonials confirming the impact of my presentations have had on audiences.