If you only had a short time to live, what would you do differently?

“It’s possible for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little” ~ Seneca

  • “I wish I hadn’t always worked so hard.”
  • “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.” 
  • “I wish I had let myself be happier.”
  • “I wish I’d taken more risks.”
  • “I wish I’d lived a life true to myself, not what others expected of me.”

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We are all so busy rushing around these days, yet very few of us question what we’re rushing towards, or if it actually supports the things and people we value most in our lives.

By first identifying what our most important roles are (ie: parent, individual, professional, financial, friend, etc.) allows us to prioritize them and give them the attention they deserve. Unfortunately, life often gets in the way and our priorities are forgotten, or pushed aside. This is where I come in.

I’m David, and I’ve spend 40+ years studying & emulating the strategies, habits and philosophies of successful people who live life on their terms, and without regret. Now it’s my mission to share their knowledge and wisdom with you.

Read my story, watch my TEDx or check out my writing, to learn how these ideas transformed my life, and how to apply them to yours. If you’re interested in having me speak to your team or audience, be sure to check out these testimonials.

Because life is short; why not live every moment to the fullest?

Organizations I’ve worked with Include: